ARGO Calendar | Upcoming Events
Special Events
Mark your calendars now for the upcoming Christmas Parade listed below and check out the information on the Argo Christmas for Kids 2024.

Stay tuned for more upcoming special events
City Council Meeting Dates
City Council meets at the Argo Municipal Complex on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Work Session meets at 5:00 P.M. and Council meets immediatly following.
City Council Minutes can be found on our Agendas/Minutes page.
Please note that if a council meeting happens to fall on a holiday, we will notify of any date change.
Municipal Court
Municipal Court is on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. according to dates below unless otherwise noted.

City Council
Mayor Betty Bradley
Rick Hopkins
Dennis Griffin
Tommy Suggs
Danny McCarley
Ann Brown (Mayor Pro-Tem)
City Hall
100 Blackjack Road
Argo, AL 35173
Phone: 205-352-2120
Fax: 205-352-2118